Current Family Information

The staff and Parent Board at Binkley Preschool believe in the importance of parent communications. We regularly publish email reminders about upcoming events, dates, and deadlines. Parent Board meetings are open to all parents who wish to attend. The Director publishes a weekly digital communication, our Friday Family Notes with a calendar, messages, and reminders. Teachers send out regular newsletters and photos of students in action during the school day for parents to view.
And, of course, the Director’s door is always open for questions!
Parent Handbook
The BPS Parent Handbook contains policies, as well as school and classroom procedures.
School Calendar
View our Current School Year Calendar
Learn more about how to help Binkley Preschool with their special community mission
Binkley Volunteer Parent Board
The Binkley Preschool Parent Board is composed of parents who are responsible for much of the “business of preschool” including, but not limited to, finances, staffing, registration, parent relations, scholarships, major equipment acquisition and repair, and record keeping.
The Parent Board welcomes parent input. Each spring, parents have the opportunity to apply for a Board position, if interested. A selection committee chooses the slate and presents the nominations to the current board. Minutes of the Parent Board meetings are posted each month.