Music, Physical Education, and Drama
About Music

Music class is held every week with Mrs. Krege. Her goals with the Binkley children include exposure to a variety of musical styles as well as musical instruments, aural skills, understanding of basic musical concepts; social skills such as turn-taking, working in groups, listening to and following directions; gross and fine motor skills; and enjoyment of music
About Physical Education
Every class enjoys outdoor play on our wonderful playgrounds daily.
In addition, our 4-year-old classes participate in a Physical Education Class with Mrs. Leonard every other week. The primary goal of the Physical Education program at Binkley Preschool is to teach children the importance of being active and having fun at the same time! During this time the children use their gross motor skills (jumping, skipping, dancing, kicking, galloping, running, and more), learn about teamwork, and learn the importance of physical fitness.
About Drama
All ages at Binkley experience a gentle, age-appropriate introduction to the performing arts. Whether it is pretending to be an autumn leaf or a tiger in the circus, we believe drama allows children to develop confidence, speaking skills, and creative expression.
In addition, the Binkley 4-year-old classes participate in a Drama “workshop” once or twice a month where they extend picture book stories using their imaginations to act out and explore. We learn and have fun using literature such as Big Pumpkin, Going on a Bear Hunt, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Gingerbread Man, and Caps for Sale.
Mrs. Krege – Music Teacher

Mary Dawn Krege has been teaching music to preschool children since 1994. She majored in music education in 1986 at UNCG and has been teaching and learning about music and children ever since. From 2021-2024 Mary Dawn served as the music education advisor to Tiny Earth Toys. She loves to see the excitement and joy in each child as they discover and experience music and the world around them.
Mary Dawn lives in Durham with her husband where she likes hiking, birding, scuba diving, and traveling. She sings in the Choral Society of Durham and the Chamber group. Her daughter, who went to Binkley, and her son-in-law live in Seattle, and her son lives in Colorado.
Mary Dawn is excited to be a part of the Binkley family.
Mrs. Leonard – PE Teacher